Overcoming Rudeness of People

Some people are just rude, don’t they? Let’s talk about why are they just simply rude and why it makes us angry at times. First of all a person is rude because of what happened in the past, he/she might encounter the same experience of rudeness of other people.. The thing is that the person is not aware that from that negativity… and thinking about it and reacting about it is what makes them rude in the future. When the person thinks of that reaction/emotion it plants a seed in their heart whosoever will react. The reason why is because that person is not free, remember the previous topic about setting yourself free? It’s connected, when the person is rooting in hate, that person didn’t forgive anyone, have pride on a wrong things, or person is lacking the knowledge of love. You see if the person is filled with LOVE, then that person will be aware of what kind of actions he or she will do, vice versa that person will understand the person whose being rude. But anyway, being rude is one of the cause of other’s perspective of anger issues. When the person collect those negativities and keep them, its like your carrying heavy loads of gravity in your life that once you can’t lift it up no more, there will be chances that you won’t be aware that you will just snap-out of people around you. Yes that include your love ones, friends, and co-workers. It was written on (Romans 12:17)  “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.”

So yes! just pray when you encounter some kind of rudeness from other people, pray for the person, then understand the person, maybe that person is undergoing on something that is heavy. And least you don’t know you’ll be an instrument to help that person to release that emotion.